How has technology impacted surveys throughout history?
The rise of the mobile phone as the most common computer in the world has led to a new innovation. That innovation is purely one ...

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Exploring Space or Ego-Boosting Stunts: Jeff Bezos, Amazon, and the Moral Dilemma of Hyper-Capitalist Dreams
In a world where more and more people are questioning the benefits of the hyper-capitalist financial system we are attached to, the news that the ...
SurveyBeta Admin
April 2, 2024
Survey Data
Do you think more gun restrictions are a necessity in today’s world?
There probably isn’t a more divisive question that could be asked of people in the United States of America...
SurveyBeta Admin
March 2, 2024
Survey Data
Do you believe Climate Change is man-made?
Today there is no real disagreement among climate experts that man is the main cause of global warming...
SurveyBeta Admin
March 2, 2024
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Addressing America’s Border Crisis: Challenges and Solutions
Discover how public sentiment shapes solutions, including the debate over border walls and cost-effective strategies. Dive into potential solutions for a holistic approach to addressing ...
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Kids and Sugar: A Growing Concern in America
Delve into the implications of excessive sugar consumption and explore proactive strategies to promote healthier eating behaviors for our future generations.
Historical Surveys
What is your view on Higher Education?
SurveyBeta Admin
December 15, 2023
We can see from the results here that probably not a lot has changed in the 50 years following this survey, the same reasons persist. ...
Do you think the electoral college today serves any real purpose?
SurveyBeta Admin
December 15, 2023
The 1948 election was an amazing moment in U.S. History as all the accredited press had given the election to Thomas Dewey over the incumbent ...
What is the most interesting book you have ever read?
SurveyBeta Admin
December 15, 2023
At the time of this survey the United States was smack in the middle of the Great Depression. People were out of work and a ...
Survey Reviews
What is your view on Higher Education?
We can see from the results here that probably not a lot has changed in the 50 years following this survey, the same reasons persist. Although, the word marriage might feature less in people’s replies as that institution’s power has lessened in the intervening time.
Do you think the electoral college today serves any real purpose?
December 15, 2023
The 1948 election was an amazing moment in U.S. History as all the accredited press had given the election to Thomas Dewey over the incumbent ...
What is the most interesting book you have ever read?
December 15, 2023
At the time of this survey the United States was smack in the middle of the Great Depression. People were out of work and a ...
Survey Data
Do you think more gun restrictions are a necessity in today’s world?
There probably isn’t a more divisive question that could be asked of people in the United States of America…
Do you believe Climate Change is man-made?
March 2, 2024
Today there is no real disagreement among climate experts that man is the main cause of global warming...
Did the United States pull out of Afghanistan too fast?
February 2, 2024
A question that will no doubt be hotly debated for generations to come, if not longer. We expect that there is more to this story ...