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Historical Surveys

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” -Spanish philosopher George Santayana-

Surveys are so important to get a snapshot of who we are as a nation and how we react to things. At SurveyBeta we believe it’s important to draw from information of years gone by and find out how to improve going forward.

Here, you can look back with us at surveys from what seemed like a more innocent time. But if we take a closer look, we can see many parallels between our current problems and those issues of our past. We feel its important to review these historical surveys and learn from it. Below are some that we’ve gone back and analyzed.

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Do you think the electoral college today serves any real purpose?

The 1948 election was an amazing moment in U.S. History as all the accredited press had given the election to Thomas Dewey over the incumbent Harry Truman.  However, in a shocking turn of events not only did Truman win the Electoral College handily (303-189) he also won the popular vote (49.6% to 45.1%).  With the election upset on everyone’s mind, surveyors wanted to find out if the citizens of the United States were shaken by the results and if a change was needed.

Do you think the electoral college today serves any real purpose? Read More »

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What is the most interesting book you have ever read?

At the time of this survey the United States was smack in the middle of the Great Depression.  People were out of work and a large majority were out of hope.  Some people looked for a distraction from their despair.  The golden era of TV was still over a decade away and although FDR and his fireside chats gave some hope, most turned to books. But what kind of books do you turn to during such a helpless time?  This survey from 1937 wanted to know exactly that and below is what they found.

What is the most interesting book you have ever read? Read More »

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What’s the most important problem facing the country at the moment?

In today’s world we tend to look back on different eras in fondness without realizing that people from the 20th century faced just as many issues as the present day.  Inflation was out of control, gas lines began in 1973 due to oil shortages.  We were in the tail end of war that seemed to have no end.  Racism, sexism and corruption in the government were all prevalent problems of the 1970’s.

What’s the most important problem facing the country at the moment? Read More »

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Should the United States enter the war (World War 2) now?

Prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States watched from abroad while their allies and their enemies fought in war over territory and a lack of closure over the first World War.  President Roosevelt was anxious to get involved as the Germans were making their way through Europe without much resistance.  But how did Americans feel about getting involved in another war far from home while still feeling the effects of the Great Depression?

Should the United States enter the war (World War 2) now? Read More »

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Supreme Court – Should supreme justices have mandatory retirement at around 70 years old?

In 1787 the Founding Fathers created the Supreme Court and the concept of the positions that have filled it ever since. Initially, they didn’t actually have a solid number for how many Judges would work within it. Nor did they set any requirements regarding age or even experience. The idea was to leave it up to the current administration to set the boundaries. A couple of years later the number was set to 6. It didn’t take long before the court started to become a partisan issue.

Supreme Court – Should supreme justices have mandatory retirement at around 70 years old? Read More »

Are there too many illegal immigrants for authorities to deport?

As Ronald Reagan routed Walter Mondale in the Presidential race of 1984 (49 states to 1), immigration was on people’s minds.  Reagan, getting a vote of confidence wanted to know what to do about the immigration “problem.”  Much like today with Obama’s DACA act and Trump’s Wall, immigration became a hot button topic.  What did the American citizens of the eighties think about the policies of Nixon and Carter, and how would Reagan respond?

Are there too many illegal immigrants for authorities to deport? Read More »

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Should Martin Luther King’s birthday be made a national holiday?

Martin Luther King is a national icon who fought for civil rights in a non violent manner.  His quest for equality and peace during the turbulent 60’s matches no other, yet four years after he was assassinated in Memphis, this was a serious debate.  Debates on the House and Senate floors illustrated the emotions in support of and against memorializing King’s role in United States history. Opponents argued that the cost of adding a tenth federal holiday would negatively impact the government. Supporters argued that the costs of not honoring the country’s moral leader would be greater.

Should Martin Luther King’s birthday be made a national holiday? Read More »

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